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Welcome to GIVETAXFREE.ORG - NON-PROFIT Crowdfunding Site

Urgent! Sharing A Mystery Part 2 – Please Visit My Go Fund Me Page [Video]


Urgent! Sharing A Mystery Part 2 – Please Visit My Go Fund Me Page

Please Visit My Go Fund Me Page –

Hello fellow friends and wise virgins. I come to you once again in need and distress. Through much prayer and deliberation I have decided to start a Go Fund Me page, to help support my crisis health support journey in my time of need and disability distress. Please visit my Go Fund Me page for more details. I am praying for a benefcator to help in my time of need, I have many needs and ** Zero Income** to provide for those needs. I have dedicated my entire life to helping others and when I pray, God remains silent and only evil befalls me. Please pray that people give to my situation as your fellow pastor, elder and missionary is in his time of need that has been prolonged and prolonged and prolonged. thank you kindly for your help to all who give and donate. – please share with your local church and community elders, pastors and group family members.

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