
GoFundMe Campaign – Brandon Pedersen [Video]

GoFundMe Campaign – Brandon Pedersen

Hey Guys! and Girls! Men and Women, lol.
I made this video for the sole purpose of my GoFundMe Campaign:

this is the GoFundMe that I started this morning.
I have since talked to my bank, I have talked to my chiropractor, I have talked to everyone else that I have needed to talk to already, to benefit my life, and to bring about a better future.

With your help, I can achieve my Goal of helping those in need, as I have currently found myself, in their shoes, so to say.

we are all on this earth for a reason, trillions of years of the earth’s existence, and I am here, on YouTube, asking for your assistance. It’s so cool how this world works, the laws of gravity, the laws of Light, the laws of motion.

The amazing astrologers, and Prophets, that have brought us to where we are, currently: on this day of May, in the year of 2024.

Thank you for watching my video! I took the time that i could to make it, and if you would be so kind to tell me, in your in words and opinion, if my time was well spent on this video? you can comment, if you would be so inclined to do so?

I love hearing about what my own testimony, has done for others. That helps me in my times of stress, to remember why I continue to press forward, and why I continue to be better than the person I was yesterday.

God Bless you always! with wealth, and health, and fortune, and the most important of all of them, Love.

May the God of Love, bless you with his Love, forevermore, from this day forward, if you do not already walk in his Love, that sets the captives free.

That breaks the chains of addiction and bondage, to things, that should have never had a hold on our lives in the first place.

I know him as Jesus, that is how this God of Love has shown himself to me. I call out to him, and he helps me.

Thank you again for your Love and Support! I could not do this without your help, I could not.

I don’t want to either. I want to build relationships, and that builds everything in life, as far as I know it.

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