FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART II
FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART II

Big History: David Christian Covers 13.7 Billion Years of History in 18 Minutes [Video]

Faith-Based Art and Culture

RedDingo says:

You should have giv­en it 36 sec­onds, as your assump­tion on Black Holes (in the very least) is incor­rect. What Hawk­ing meant was that our orig­i­nal con­cep­tion of ‘black holes’ may not exist. You owe you exis­tence to them, as with­out this phe­nom­e­non our galaxy would­n’t exist… These are the­o­ries. The Big Bang The­o­ry. The counter-the­o­ries. All are the­o­ries. And schol­ars like Chris­t­ian (or any­one) can hard­ly pro­duce a sol­id body of work with­out choos­ing a the­o­ry that res­onates with their research.

Just because one or two schol­ars present an alter­nate the­o­ry to the big bang that seems just as plau­si­ble, it does­n’t mean every oth­er the­o­ry is now wrong. It does­n’t work like that- not until hard, sol­id evi­dence con­firms it as fact. Just be wary. Slam­ming schol­ars based on your top five google search­es is kin­da uncool, and indi­cates a lack of wide reading/understanding of the­o­ry and sci­en­tif­ic …

FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART III
FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART III