FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART I
FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART I

The End Of Juvenile Prison With Nell Bernstein [Video]

Youth Programs
On the evening of October 8, 2014 Youth Radio hosted a conversation and book signing with author Nell Bernstein, who discussed her new book, Burning Down The House.
In her book, Bernstein argues for the end of juvenile prisons.
Youth Radio producer Brett Myers and youth participant, Jason, joined Bernstein in a conversation about the juvenile justice system.
De’Markus, a former Youth Radio student, shared his experiences as a young person in the system. “It’s supposed to be a place to think about what you did wrong, but it wasn’t,” De’Markus said. “It was a prison.”
Both Jason and De’Markus spoke about the need for more one-on-one interaction between hall staff and youth.
Bernstein spoke to a packed house at Youth Radio. “Anytime we consider an intervention for a young person, one should ask, would I do that to my child?” Bernstein said.
Nell Bernstein reads a passage from her …

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