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Unveiling “The Forge”: Priscilla Shirer and Aspen Kennedy Lead in Highly Awaited Follow-Up to “War Room” [Video]

Christian Faith

Today, Sony Pictures’ AFFIRM Films and Provident Films, alongside the cherished Kendrick Brothers, unveil their official trailer as they prepare for the nationwide theatrical debut of their latest creation, “THE FORGE,” commencing on August 23rd. Set in the captivating universe of their 2015 blockbuster “WAR ROOM,” this stirring drama delves into the profound impact of mentorship, promising audiences an uplifting journey.

The cast of THE FORGE includes familiar faces such as Priscilla Shirer (WAR ROOM), Cameron Arnett (OVERCOMER), Karen Abercrombie (WAR ROOM) and newcomer Aspen Kennedy. Also starring T.C. Stallings (WAR ROOM), BJ Arnett, Ken Bevel

(COURAGEOUS), Former NFL star Benjamin Watson, Jonathan Evans, Jerry Shirerand Tommy Woodard (FAMILY CAMP).

“We made this film to inspire, challenge and motivate viewers to follow Jesus wholeheartedly,” says director Alex Kendrick. “Our hope is that audiences around the world will recognize the pivotal role that Godly mentorship plays in shaping the next generation.”

The Kendrick …

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